
Title House DW
Status completed
Program house
Area 120 m2
Duration 2007 - 2009
Location Warzée, Belgique
Coordinates 50° 26’ 57. 42” N 5° 25’ 20. 51” E
Budget € HTVA

Valentin Bianchi photographie


The project concerns the extension of a single family home. The existing building being a typical 1980s style house, the family needed additional space for two children's rooms, a playroom and a physiotherapy room.
The architectural response was to literally extend the existing building by stretching it to the strict boundary of the lot. However, the buildable area did not allow to extend the construction as far. This is the reason why the volume comes off the ground and floats beyond the aedificandi area. The space thus released is devoted to a carport.
The volumetry was worked to create a continuity between the existing roof and that of the new volume made higher by the desire to have mezzanine spaces for bedrooms.
In search of continuity while playing the difference. The annexed volume is barded entirely of wood thus becoming a distinct object with a strong identity. Yet the fact of working with a volumetry seeming to flow from the old building allows to create a tangible link between the two and to offer the whole a new dynamic.

The project concerns the extension of a single family home. The existing building being a typical 1980s style house, the family needed additional space for two children's rooms, a playroom and a physiotherapy room.
The architectural response was to literally extend the existing building by stretching it to the strict boundary of the lot. However, the buildable area did not allow to extend the construction as far. This is the reason why the volume comes off the ground and floats beyond the aedificandi area. The space thus released is devoted to a carport.
The volumetry was worked to create a continuity between the existing roof and that of the new volume made higher by the desire to have mezzanine spaces for bedrooms.
In search of continuity while playing the difference. The annexed volume is barded entirely of wood thus becoming a distinct object with a strong identity. Yet the fact of working with a volumetry seeming to flow from the old building allows to create a tangible link between the two and to offer the whole a new dynamic.


© Valentin Bianchi

© Valentin Bianchi

© Valentin Bianchi

© Valentin Bianchi

© Valentin Bianchi

© SPECIMEN architects